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BFP4F training

The training system featured in BFP4F, in particular, the Assault Kit is shown.

The Training system is a feature introduced in, and unique to, Battlefield Play4Free. It is similar to the specialization system of other installments, but differs in that instead of acquiring experience in a Kit to unlock a specialization, every time a player ranks up with their soldier, they can increase their level in a training option for that soldier.


The training system allows the player to acquire abilities, passive effects, or extra equipment as they increase in rank. Each time the player levels up, they gain one training point, which they can then spend on a particular equipment piece, skill, or passive effect. There are three tiers, with the second tier of each category requiring five points spent on the first tier to unlock.

The training system offers two different types of training expertise: Equipment and Combat.


Equipment Expertise focus on a soldier's available equipment they are able to take with them in to battle. Much of these options level up a player's ability to use equipment like Ammunition Boxes, Medkits, or the Repair Tool, while others allow a player to fly aircraft, use secondary weapons on tanks and APC's, or increase overall ammunition.


Tier Name Icon Effects
Frag Grenade Frag Grenade Training BFP4F Allows player to use a Frag Grenade.


  1. One Frag Grenade
  2. Two Frag Grenades and increases damage against vehicles
  3. Three Frag Grenades and increases damage against vehicles
  4. Four Frag Grenades and increases damage against vehicles

Ground Vehicles[]

Tier Name Icon Effects
Tank Coaxial Machinegun BFP4F Tank Coaxial Machinegun Equips tank with coaxial machinegun which is effective against enemy infantry.


  1. Equips tank with coaxial machinegun
  2. Increases coaxial machinegun ammunition to 35
  3. Increases coaxial machinegun ammunition to 45
TOW Missile System BFP4F TOW Missile System Allows APCs to use either the BGM-71 TOW or 9M133 Kornet to increase effectiveness against enemy armor.


  1. Allows use of TOW Missile System
  2. Decreases the TOW/KORNET's reload time by 2 seconds
  3. Decreases the TOW/KORNET's reload time by 4 seconds
Enhanced Smoke Deployment Enhanced Smoke Deployment Reduces initial cooldown down of 20 seconds for Smoke Dischargers on Tanks and APCs


  1. Reduces smoke countermeasure cooldown to 15 seconds
  2. Reduces smoke countermeasure cooldown to 11 seconds


Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Helicopter Piloting BFP4F Helicopter Piloting Allows players to pilot helicopters.


  1. Allows players to pilot helicopters
Attack Chopper Anti-Armor Missile BFP4F Attack Chopper Anti-Armor Missile Equips helicopter with two tracer-seeking rockets that each deal 400 points of damage. Effective against enemy vehicles.


  1. Equips helicopter with tracer-seeking rockets
  • Requires Helicopter Piloting rank 3
Advanced Countermeasures Deployment Enhanced Countermeasures Deployment Decreases cooldown of Countermeasure Flares on helicopters.


  1. Reduces countermeasure cooldown
  • Requires Attack Chopper Anti-Armor Missile rank 3
Attack Chopper IFF Radar System Attack Chopper IFF Radar System Highlights enemy targets on the player's map while piloting an Attack Helicopter.


  1. Equips IFF Radar System
  • Requires Advanced Countermeasures Deployment rank 2
Ground Crew Support Ground Crew Something The player's vehicle will automatically be repaired when flying over their Deployment.


  1. Repairs jet when flying over team deployment


Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Jet Pilot Training BFP4F Jet Pilot Training Allows players to pilot fixed-winged aircraft.


  1. Allows player to pilot jets
Missile Countermeasure Deployment Missile Countermeasures Deployment Decreases cooldown of Chaff Deployment System on jets.


  1. Reduces countermeasure cooldown
  • Requires Jet Pilot Training rank 3
JDAM Weapon System BFP4F JDAM Training Equips jet with JDAM Bombs. Effective against enemy infantry and vehicles.


  1. Equips jet with JDAM bombs
  • Requires Missile Countermeasure Deployment rank 2
Advanced Aircraft IFF System Advanced Aircraft IFF System Increases range of spotting radar for aircraft.


  1. Increasing spotting range of aircraft radar
  • Requires JDAM Weapon System rank 3
Ground Crew Support Ground Crew Something The player's vehicle will automatically be repaired when flying over their Deployment.


  1. Repairs jet when flying over deployment

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Ammo Box Ammo Box Training BFP4F Allows the player to deploy Ammunition Boxes to restore ammunition to allies and themselves.


  1. Reduces time to restore ammo by 50%
  2. Increases ammo held and range by 5%
  3. Increases ammo held and range by 10%
  4. Increases ammo held and range by 15%
Smoke Grenade Smoke Grenade Training BFP4F Allows player to use a Smoke Grenade. Produces a dense cloud of smoke that lingers for 10 to 15 seconds.


  1. One Smoke Grenade
  2. Two Smoke Grenades
  3. Three Smoke Grenades
  4. Four Smoke Grenades
  5. Five Smoke Grenades
Advanced Combat Supply Advanced Combat Supply BFP4F Allows player to place two Ammunition Boxes at any one time.
  • Requires Ammo Box training rank 4 and five points in Assault equipment expertise.
C4 Charges BFP4F C4 Charges Allows player to use C4 which can be remotely detonated once thrown.


  1. Two charges
  2. Four charges
  3. Six charges

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Medic Box BFP4F Medic Box Reduces time required to deploy Medkits and increases rate and range of healing.


  1. Reduces time required to deploy medkits.
  2. Increases amount of healing supplies held and range by 5%
  3. Increases amount of healing supplies held and range by 10%
  4. Increases amount of healing supplies held and range by 15%
Defibrillator BFP4F Defibrillator Allows player to use the Defibrillator and increases the amount of health it restores upon revive.


  1. Allows use of the defibrillator
  2. Increases health restored to 80%
  3. Increases health restored to 100%
Advanced Tactical Deployment: Medic Box BFP4F ATD Medic Box Allows the player to place two Medkits at any one time.
  • Requires Medic Box training rank 4 and five points in Medic equipment expertise.
Medivac Vehicle BFP4F Medivac Vehicle Allows player to heal teammates in or near any vehicle they are driving.
  • Requires Medic Box training rank 4, ADT Medic Box, and six points in Medic equipment expertise.
Front Line Medic Front Line Medic Allows player to activate a Hand Flare that allows nearby teammates who have died nearby and the player spawn on them for a short duration.
  • Flare must be placed in equipment bar from inventory in order to be used, and cannot be used within mainbases or enemy controlled firebases.

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Vehicle Repair Tool BFP4F Vehicle Repair Tool Increases repair rate of the Repair Tool.


  1. Increases repair speed
  2. Increases repair speed by 5%
  3. Increases speed by 10%
  4. Increases repair speed by 15%
Increase RPG Ammo BFP4F Increase RPG Ammo Increases ammunition of the RPG-7


  1. Increases RPG ammo by one
  2. Increases RPG ammo by two
Anti-Tank Mine BFP4F AT Mine Training Allows player to use the Anti-Tank Mine.


  1. Allows use of one Anti-Tank Mine
  2. Two Anti-Tank Mines
  3. Three Anti-Tank Mines
  4. Four Anti-Tank Mines
  5. Five Anti-Tank Mines
Field Repair Vehicle BFP4F Field Repair Vehicle Allows player to repair nearby vehicles while in another vehicle.
  • Requires Vehicle Repair Tool rank 4
Airburst Grenade Airburst Grenade Allows use of the XM-25 grenade launcher.

Tier Name Icon Effects
Motion Sensor BFP4F Motion Sensor Training Increases range of the Motion Sensor and reduces gadget cooldown.


  1. Increases range and decreases the motion sensor's cooldown by 3 seconds
  2. Increases range by 5 meters and decreases the motion sensor's cooldown by 4 seconds
  3. Increases range by 10 meters and decreases the motion sensor's cooldown by 8 seconds
  4. Increases range by 15 meters and decreases the motion sensor's cooldown by 12 seconds
Increase Sniper Rifle Ammo BFP4F Increase Sniper Rifle Ammo Increases number of ammunition magazines for sniper rifles.


  1. One additional magazine
  2. Two additional magazines
Claymore BFP4F Claymore Training Allows player to use the Claymore.


  1. One Claymore
  2. Two Claymores
  3. Three Claymores
  4. Four Claymores
  5. Five Claymores
Mortar Strike Mortar Strikee Allows players to use the Binoculars which can be used for reconnaissance and to paint targets for an artillery strike.


Combat Expertises focus on increasing a soldier's ability to find and eliminate targets, along with moving around the battlefield. Many options level up a player's awareness to nearby enemies and explosives, while some allow the player to move and climb faster.

Tier Name Icon Effects
Power Climb Power Climb BFP4F Increases climbing speed up ladders.
Safe Fall Safe Fall BFP4F Increases height at which player can fall without sustaining damage.
Combat Resilience BFP4F Combat Resilience Increases amount of health received from all sources.


  1. Unlocks Combat Resilience
  2. Increases healing bonus by 2%
  3. Increases healing bonus by 4%
Grenade Combat Awareness BFP4F Grenade Combat Awareness Reveals nearby grenades with a threat indicator.


  1. Unlocks Grenade Combat Awareness
  2. Increases awareness range by 2 meters
  3. Increases awareness range by 4 meters
Increase Jog Speed Increase Jog Speed BFP4F Increases player moving speed.
Increase Sprint Speed Increase Sprint Speed BFP4F Increases player sprinting speed.


  1. Unlocks Increase Sprint Speed
Dead Man's Trigger Dead Man's Trigger BFP4F Allows player to drop a hand grenade with a smaller blast radius than normal 10 seconds after their death.


  1. Unlocks Dead Man's Trigger
  2. Increases the range of the blast by 1 meter
  3. Increases the range of the blast by 2 meters
  4. Increases the range of the blast by 3 meters
Grenade Toss Back Combat Skill Grenade Toss Back Combat Skill Allows player to throw enemy grenades in a different direction.
Satellite Surveillance BFP4F Satellite Surveillance Conducts a satellite scan to reveal the location of all enemy players for four seconds. Has a cooldown of 70 seconds


  1. Unlocks Satellite Surveillance
  2. Increases scan to 7 seconds and reduces cooldown to 50 seconds
  3. Increases scan to 10 seconds and reduces cooldown to 30 seconds
Toughness BFP4F Toughness Training


  1. Unlocks Toughness

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Request Reinforcements BFP4F Request Reinforcements Equips player with Flare Gun. Once fired, nearby teammates who have died may spawn on the player.


  1. Unlocks Request Reinforcements
  2. Reduces reload time by X seconds
  3. Reduces reload time by X seconds
Tactical Reflexes BFP4F Tactical Reflexes Improves accuracy of damage indicator when fired upon by enemy players.


  1. Unlocks Tactical Reflexs
  2. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
  3. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
Mortar Strike Combat Awareness BFP4F Mortar Strike Combat Awareness Enables tactical indicator for enemy Mortar Strikes.


  1. Unlocks Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
  2. Increase your awareness range by five meters.
Improved Threat Awareness BFP4F Improved Threat Awareness Makes spotting tag above an enemy appear quicker once spotted.


  1. Unlocks Improved Threat Awareness
Tactical Threat Awareness BFP4F Tactical Threat Awareness Spots enemies who shoot at the player for a short duration..


  1. Unlocks Tactical Threat Awareness
  2. Increases spotting time by 1 second
  3. Increases spotting time by 2 seconds
  4. Increases spotting time by 3 seconds
  • Requires Improved Threat Awareness rank 4
Avoid Tripwire: Basic BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Basic Allows player to cross Tripwire Bombs without detonating them while running.
  • Requires Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
Avoid Tripwire: Advanced BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Advanced Allows player to upgrade Avoid Tripwire: Basic to reduce trigger delay of Tripwire Bombs


  1. Unlocks Avoid Tripwire: Advanced
  2. Increases claymore trigger delay by 2 seconds.
  3. Increases claymore trigger delay by 3 seconds.
Sniper Combat Awareness Sniper Combat Awareness Plays a sound cue when an enemy Recon targets the player and marks the Recon's position after they have fired their weapon.
  • Requires Tactical Threat Awareness rank 4

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Tactical Reflexes BFP4F Tactical Reflexes Improves accuracy of damage indicator when fired upon by enemy players.


  1. Unlocks Tactical Reflexs
  2. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
  3. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
Mortar Strike Combat Awareness BFP4F Mortar Strike Combat Awareness Enables tactical indicator for enemy Mortar Strikes.


  1. Unlocks Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
  2. Increase your awareness range by five meters.
Tactical Reflexes BFP4F Tactical Reflexes Improves accuracy of damage indicator when fired upon by enemy players.


  1. Unlocks Tactical Reflexs
  2. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
  3. Increases damage indicator accuracy by X%
Improved Threat Awareness BFP4F Improved Threat Awareness Makes spotting tag above an enemy appear quicker once spotted.


  1. Unlocks Improved Threat Awareness
Avoid Tripwire: Basic BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Basic Allows player to cross Tripwire Bombs without detonating them while running.
  • Requires Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
Sniper Combat Awareness Sniper Combat Awareness Plays a sound cue when an enemy Recon targets the player and marks the Recon's position after they have fired their weapon.
  • Requires Combat Awareness rank 4

Tier Name Icon Effects Notes
Mortar Strike Combat Awareness BFP4F Mortar Strike Combat Awareness Enables tactical indicator for enemy Mortar Strikes.


  1. Unlocks Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
  2. Increase your awareness range by five meters.
Improved Threat Awareness BFP4F Improved Threat Awareness Makes spotting tag above an enemy appear quicker once spotted.


  1. Unlocks Improved Threat Awareness
Avoid Tripwire: Basic BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Basic Allows player to cross Tripwire Bombs without detonating them while running.
  • Requires Mortar Strike Combat Awareness
Sniper Combat Awareness Sniper Combat Awareness Plays a sound cue when an enemy Recon targets the player and marks the Recon's position after they have fired their weapon.
  • Requires Improved Threat Awareness rank 4
Engineering Damage Assessment Engineering Damage Assessment Allows player to see the health of any friendly or enemy occupied vehicle.

Tier Name Icon Effects
Advanced Reconnaisance Advanced Reconnaisance Spots an enemy player within proximity of an enemy the player has spotted.


  1. Unlocks Advanced Reconnaisance
  2. Spots 2 enemy player in proximity to target
  3. Spots 3 enemy player in proximity to target
  4. Spots 4 enemy player in proximity to target
  5. Spots 5 enemy player in proximity to target
Avoid Tripwire: Basic BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Basic Allows player to cross Tripwire Bombs without detonating them while running.
Avoid Tripwire: Advanced BFP4F Avoid Tripwire Advanced Allows player to upgrade Avoid Tripwire: Basic to reduce trigger delay of Tripwire Bombs


  1. Unlocks Avoid Tripwire: Advanced
  2. Increases claymore trigger delay by 2 seconds.
  3. Increases claymore trigger delay by 3 seconds.
Tactical Target Selection Tactical Target TSelection Allows player to see health of any enemy player they are targeting with their weapon.
Tactical Threat Awareness BFP4F Tactical Threat Awareness Spots enemies who shoot at the player for a short duration..


  1. Unlocks Tactical Threat Awareness
  2. Increases spotting time by 1 second
  3. Increases spotting time by 2 seconds
  4. Increases spotting time by 3 seconds
Identify Target Identify Target Reveals enemy class of enemy aiming their weapon at the player.
Combat Infiltration Undetectable Makes the player nearly undetected by reducing noise output.

External Links[]
