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Overview 1942 Battlefield 2 Online BC2
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"Field Medics tasked with healing and reviving team-mates"

— In game description.

The Medic kit is featured in Battlefield 2. The Medic is equipped with three weapons -- an assault rifle, a faction-specific handgun, and a combat knife. While similar in armament to the Assault kit, the Medic is additionally equipped with two pieces of lifesaving gear -- the medic bag and a defibrillator, and lacks an underslung grenade launcher.

The assault rifles are functionally identical to the Assault kit counterpart -- with moderate damage and spread, and ergo being best suited to open firefights against infantry over a moderate distance. However, the Medic has less ammunition overall.

The first unique gadget issued to the Medic is the medic bag, a healing instrument which can be used in one of two ways. Like the Support's ammo bag, the medic bag can be either held or thrown down. When held, it offers essentially unlimited healing to the user, or the player being aimed at. When thrown down, the medkit will instantly heal one person, but will disappear thereafter. A related effect is implicit -- when the medic is in a vehicle, all passengers and soldiers near the vehicle he is in will be healed slowly.

The second gadget unique to the medic are the defibrillators. The defibrillator can be used to bring any incapacitated ally back to life, provided the ally hasn't already respawned.


Base Game[]

Special Forces[]

