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Battlefield Wiki

So today, my whole 8th grade class had a field trip. On the way back from said trip, I was sitting in front of two girls, one of them is one of my close friends girlfriend. Now, about halfway through the ride, I was laying lengthwise across the seat, and had my arm on the headrest. The girl who isn't dating anyone asks if she can see my hand for a second. I, not thinking, say yes. She then takes my hand, and I'm not exagerating when I say this, PUT IT ON MY CLOSE FRIENDS GF'S RIGHT BREAST. I, being me, once I realized what she did, ripped my hand away, but it was already done. Whats even worse is, they asked me if I enjoyed it. I said no of course, but the girl, who was, well, violated, seemed appalled I didn't enjoy it. . Now, of course, her boyfriend knows, since they texted him a little while after it happened. I'm at a loss for what to do. Should I apoligize, and if so, what should I say, and should I do it in person, and to whom should I apoligize to?


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